Stirrings of a New Concept Album

After a little hiatus from the Wild West of the internet, I’m venturing back out with news of an upcoming project. Though still in its preliminary stages, this new anthology, tentatively titled Hagiographies and Hit Pieces, will be a concept album that explores a series of strange characters placed in stranger situations. These may include: a hoarder who shuns companionship because of his obsession with the inanimate, a young woman who runs a brothel on the French-German front during World War I, a recently deceased man who arrives in heaven and finds that he is bored beyond belief, and others.

If these examples aren’t enough of an indication, rest assured that I will be covering new ground with these stories, and aiming at something that fuses different genres and ideas. As usual, my extraordinary band will be there to assist in this undertaking, along with a few new faces.

Apologies in advance if the news wagon might initially move slowly here, as it creeps out of the gate and sheds its season of rust, but I promise to keep you apprised as things materialize. Maybe I’ll even share a few discarded lyrical snippets and end pieces as we go.

I’m excited to be writing again.